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Learn about the community impact of the Health Foundation of East Texas (formerly ETMC Foundation).
ETMC Foundation $958,000 grant funding supports local nonprofits (Tyler Morning Telegraph)
The East Texas Medical Center Foundation is assisting several local nonprofits with community grants totaling over $958,000 along with $3 million donated to the UT Tyler medical school start-up.
Accreditation process of medical school in Tyler moves forward; first class likely set for 2023 (Tyler Morning Telegraph)
The process of a medical school coming to East Texas is moving forward as the UT Health Science Center at Tyler has reached its first milestone in the accreditation proceedings.
ETMC Foundation gives $1.3 million in grants to local organizations (Tyler Morning Telegraph)
The East Texas Medical Center Foundation is providing over $1.3 million in grant funding to help organizations working in mental health, substance abuse, healthcare and other areas.

ETMC Foundation pledges $80 million toward the UT Tyler Health Science Center medical school (KLTV, CBS19, Tyler Morning Telegraph)
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